August 13, 2013
Unchartered territory...however, extremely rewarding, to say the least!
The thought of a female led relationship was as foreign to me as any subject I am simply not interested in. However, when gingerly introduced, he had a way of describing 'it' in small doses, if I can use the term, that just made sense for us. After all, by now I could trust him with my most intimate feelings and beliefs, and with all that was in my daily life.
Since our reunion, many things about our relationship were about as unsuccessful as other relationships...same cycles of insanity, same inevitable results...frustration and failures. But our relationship held a significant difference. It was established as high school kids. Dating? You could call it that...we do.
Raised in a Southern Baptist home, I was a God fearing girl. Yet every chance I could, I would push the envelope and let him drive me home from school. There was an immediate attraction from the second we met. Our eyes were glued...I didn't want to be the first to blink for fear that the magic would escape. Our time spent alone together was spent with few words...just quiet, intimate time, radio playing in the background. Intense petting, but never sex. And when the clock dictated, I would tell him I had to go home andhe would comply. Had it not been for that strong religious influence, I wouldn't be here now. As an aside, I am certainly not here promoting any religion. What I am saying, is my 'no' kept him his core. Unknown to each of us, we were already in a female led relationship.
Life separated us for 30 years; we each went our own way, marrying and having kids, and making the life choices like everyone else. Then, out of the blue, there he was again.
Beach Angel
Since our reunion, many things about our relationship were about as unsuccessful as other relationships...same cycles of insanity, same inevitable results...frustration and failures. But our relationship held a significant difference. It was established as high school kids. Dating? You could call it that...we do.
Raised in a Southern Baptist home, I was a God fearing girl. Yet every chance I could, I would push the envelope and let him drive me home from school. There was an immediate attraction from the second we met. Our eyes were glued...I didn't want to be the first to blink for fear that the magic would escape. Our time spent alone together was spent with few words...just quiet, intimate time, radio playing in the background. Intense petting, but never sex. And when the clock dictated, I would tell him I had to go home andhe would comply. Had it not been for that strong religious influence, I wouldn't be here now. As an aside, I am certainly not here promoting any religion. What I am saying, is my 'no' kept him his core. Unknown to each of us, we were already in a female led relationship.
Life separated us for 30 years; we each went our own way, marrying and having kids, and making the life choices like everyone else. Then, out of the blue, there he was again.
Beach Angel
I hope you will consider doing a review of my book: Real Women Don't Do Housework
I am so lucky... My mother in law showed me how to take care of her son... my boyfriend at the time. Now we are all tickled with hubbys transformation. It all started with hubbys pp being so small. (4") Even when erect it doesn't stand up. It curves downward into his small but puffy sack which creates the appearance of a girl. We are considering implants.